Well...this is certainly a little tardy but better late than never. One of my favorite sayings. I continue to be the worlds greatest procrastinator even in my new house husband life. I guess that is just a part of my personality..... ugh.... procrastinating again....Paris...focus! Here we go: I was very excited for my second trip to this city being that most of the major tourist traps have already been visited and therefore enabling us to avoid the crowds. We took the train this time and it was pretty relaxing mainly because we are so used to the discount airline extravaganza. This holiday was planned to be about the food, museums, and being out socially past 8pm (which is frowned upon in Switzerland). I can say with confidence that we accomplished all of our goals. We stayed at this great B & B that our friends Dan and Margaret recommended to us. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures but it was one room in a beautiful house in the 6th Arrondisment ran by a great family. The location was perfect, we ending up walking or taking a taxi everywhere. The only not so amazing part of our trip was that it rained almost the whole time. We were wet at some point every day. We still had a great time though, it is one of those places that you can still love even when the weather is miserable. Aside from our usual eating and wine drinking we did manage some activities. We visited three museums (Rodin, D'orsay, and the Pompidou) and the Pantheon. All of them were great, the Rodin being my new favorite. After being in Paris a second time I am begining to understand they hype. Even with the horrible weather I loved walking around and discovering new places. I don't think we have even scratched the surface of cool neighborhood bars, great restaurants, museums, or parks. À bientôt Paris!
Really great photos Josh. Paris has certainly inspired...